Great....A New Black Panther movie.


Every time I hear about Black Panther I think about the Twitter guy Jack who said he’s not going to watch it right away so he could let the blacks have their moment. Fucking fruit
There was a woman who did that too. I remember photos and videos of people doing a black power fist to the screen and posting it on Twitter. Fucking hilarious that the great black culture moment was made by Jews.


I was watching this vikings show on Netflix and this black woman shows up. She's supposed to be queen of Demark. I still can't even wrap my head around it. I tried powering through since she's not in a lot of scenes. Then she pops back up and is raising an army of female vikings. Its just too much. Just gave up and started rewatching the Sopranos. I don't know why i bother with anything else. Anyways, thanks for reading my blog post frens.

Lots of them in the upcoming Lord of the Rings show too.


Not to sound too geeky, but that bugs me since race, genealogy, culture, language and stuff like that is very important in Tolkien. When he describes a character, their appearance usually signifies where they belong. That's a big part of why the world feels so genuine. He even describes black people specifically as human 'easterlings', and pretty much all of them ally with the bad guys. The producers who pretend they don't see the problem with nigger elves can take a long walk off a short pier.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Lots of them in the upcoming Lord of the Rings show too.


Not to sound too geeky, but that bugs me since race, genealogy, culture, language and stuff like that is very important in Tolkien. When he describes a character, their appearance usually signifies where they belong. He even describes black people specifically as human 'easterlings', and pretty much all of them ally with the bad guys. The producers who pretend they don't see the problem with nigger elves can take a long walk off a short pier.
The haradrim and corsairs we're clearly Africans

The easterlings were everyone from Arabs to chinks, but mainly slavs