Good News Thread




Nice false idol, stupid.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini

U.S. life expectancy sees ‘massive’ decline, especially in Black and brown communities​



U.S. life expectancy sees ‘massive’ decline, especially in Black and brown communities​

With this homo country where skin color makes no differences, they'll admits nig run faster, but never talk about how they are predisposed to so many health problems like a mongrel dog. Diabetes is just a natural rite of passage.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
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This headline is kind of fake news -- including the streaming numbers, it's *still* the lowest viewership. It's kind of like if 1 person streamed it 4 years ago and 2 people streamed it this week, that's 100% growth.

Overall, though, great news. People don't give a shit about this, and NBC's coverage is *filled* with Jewish propaganda.



Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I would move to whatever state secedes as fast as humanly possible. California will never leave despite those faggots saying they would. Same reason all the other pussy ass states don’t. Too much give me data from other US citizens that have no say.
There's a chance that even this would be a trap. If the states were all in one area and easily surrounded, they'd just cut everything off.