Good morning.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
Go to mass.


Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
You guys assuming that conversion is a one-and-done type of thing are funny. If she's going Catholic they're not going to expect her to be fully healed and repentant immediately. They're not going to dunk her once and tell her "Okay you're all good - sins forgiven." If you contact the parish and tell them "This Missy chick is a SINNER!" they're going to say "Yeah, we know. Her and everyone else."

At most the priest will take her aside and explain why racism, fornication, etc. are against the teachings of Christ and try to counsel her away from it. If anything you should be cheering her on because you're ostensibly not happy with her way of life.
I grew up Catholic & they're going to give a shit about one thing: That monthly tithe. If you're poor or working class, it's understood otherwise you better pay up or you will be called out. The amount & percentage determines *everything* and there's a whole pecking order.

That's gonna be a problem for her because as we all know, 5-10% of zero is zero.

Let's see how deep this cosplay goes if she gets Nana to start writing monthly checks to the parish.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
I grew up Catholic & they're going to give a shit about one thing: That monthly tithe. If you're poor or working class, it's understood otherwise you better pay up or you will be called out. The amount & percentage determines *everything* and there's a whole pecking order.

That's gonna be a problem for her because as we all know, 5-10% of zero is zero.

Let's see how deep this cosplay goes if she gets Nana to start writing monthly checks to the parish.
would love to see her drag Anthony to a church event. I’m sure the ghoul will be looking at all 13-17 year olds in dresses.