GHT: 1



Glory Hole Tom: Part 1

Hypothetically, what app would someone use to text someone anonymously from another number?

I’ve been lurking long enough and kind of want to get in on the bit. Just a taste though.
Most reddit users just use an app from the appstore on their phone. without any sort of VPN since fatty has shown he is a chump of the court system. TextPlus, Textra. Textfreenow for example. It depends on your location and access to hardware.

This one guy on mumsnet uses android virtual machines because he's a nerd.
he said he likes to use textplus because you can create an account using a Yahoo ID.
A yahoo ID can be registered using any email ([email protected]) and then login without any verification and takes seconds.
VM's can be setup quickly and easily with this and swapping ID's is just a change of yahoo ID.
Most reddit users just use an app from the appstore on their phone. without any sort of VPN since fatty has shown he is a chump of the court system. TextPlus, Textra. Textfreenow for example. It depends on your location and access to hardware.

This one guy on mumsnet uses android virtual machines because he's a nerd.
he said he likes to use textplus because you can create an account using a Yahoo ID.
A yahoo ID can be registered using any email ([email protected]) and then login without any verification and takes seconds.
VM's can be setup quickly and easily with this and swapping ID's is just a change of yahoo ID.

Appreciate the info! You dabesso. 👊🏻
TextNow also doesn't do any sort of email verification, which makes it easy to cycle through accounts.
Hmmmm. According to the guys on Reddit, Text Now does seem to ask for an email verification. Using a Proton Email and accessing through a VPN, the attempt at creating an account ended with a “violation of terms of service” FUCK!

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Hmmmm. According to the guys on Reddit, Text Now does seem to ask for an email verification. Using a Proton Email and accessing through a VPN, the attempt at creating an account ended with a “violation of terms of service” FUCK!

Try it without the VPN. I hear that the Reddit guys have luck when not using a VPN.