- Forum Clout
- 42,706
Symposium Panelists (people of symposium) Contact Forms:
Panel 1:
S E Lindberg (moderator) - none
Erik Scott de Bie - https://erikscottdebie.com/buy-a-book/
Erin M. Evans - https://erinmevans.com/contact/
Howard Andrew Jones - none
Panel 2:
Jennifer Brozek (moderator) - http://www.jenniferbrozek.com/blog/contact.aspx
Marie Bilodeau - https://www.mariebilodeau.com/contact/
James Lowder - Works for an RPG website, his email listed for all those who have 'Fiction Inquiries' [email protected]
James A Moore - none
Panel 3: Tittyboy is the moderator LMAO
Richard Lee Bryers - His website: See for yourself http://www.richardleebyers.com/bio.html
Jennifer Brozek
Gini Koch - none, email listed on her website [email protected]
K. B. Wagers - https://kbwagers.com/contact/
Book Signing Booth: His timeslot at will be shared with John Jackson Miller - none, email listed on his website [email protected]