


For the newcomers.

Fat is hated most by most for the fact that he willingly signed away his rights as a father and has never played any part in his daughter's life. We all know virgins have children. What really makes him extra hateable is his constant grandstanding as some kind of moral authority and his manipulation of his nonexistent fatherhood. He uses this little girl he has never made the effort to meet as a prop in his lame brain "thought experiments" on twitter and as a signal virtueing hypothetical rape victim, among other sick scenarios.

He is also roundly (pun intended) mocked for having only ever had sex with two women in his life and marrying both of them. This might be kind of weirdly romantic if he admitted it and was religious or something but he larps as a fuck stud while exhibiting 14 year old nerd "game" and micro dick energy by lamely creeping on damaged 4s on social media.

Tl;dr- Fat Pat gets made fun of for many things on here. Being a virgin isn't and never has been one of them.
Pat, in his infinite autism, forgot that the rest of the world isnt one collective conscious that is out to get him, and the high school jocks who obviously would have called him a "gay virgin" in the late 90s dont share a memory with the 21st century online personalities discussing a man in his 40s. Also consider that going to Wisconsin and trespassing on his property to scribble on his bullshit in person is a retarded idea for people who can ruin his life anonymously from home (allegedly).


I thought about why he would write FATRICK before there was video of it obviously being him and then I realized he saw that on the shitty KKK Russia Trump art piece near Hooligans when someone wrote FATRICK on it and he considered that a threat to his life. He is fat is what I'm getting at here.
That’s actually a pretty well thought out (and gay) conclusion. Also fat.


Pat, in his infinite autism, forgot that the rest of the world isnt one collective conscious that is out to get him, and the high school jocks who obviously would have called him a "gay virgin" in the late 90s dont share a memory with the 21st century online personalities discussing a man in his 40s. Also consider that going to Wisconsin and trespassing on his property to scribble on his bullshit in person is a retarded idea for people who can ruin his life anonymously from home (allegedly).
I never considered the idea that fat fuck is a a retarded emotionally stunted asshole before. It all seems so clear now.