


He does that thing where he parses your post into like, five quote boxes and responds to each paragraph rather than responding to your post as a whole. He also molested a child in 2003.
Yeah that's gay as fuck lol, analytical faggot.

I really wanted to say to him once, "hey you need to stop trying to make jokes, just analyze Pat's court dates or whatever" but thought that was mean at the time, but no... he's a fag who needs to stop trying to be funny.

He also keeps self-owning. I remember once he posted a youtube link and I replied "what the fuck does that have to do with anything?" and he replied, "oh... don't you know? You've never even seen that movie before you fucking retard?" (or something) and it turns out he pasted the wrong youtube link by mistake. HOW EMBARRASSING.


Honestly didn’t mind him before. Not sure if he had a breakdown or what, but, Dan broke his mind. He just simped hard for Dan, then when given responses just did a “Your like a high school girl, jealous of the popular chicks” and ignored everything else. Pretty gay.
The weird thing was, I remember him posting about how the podcast was a bad idea if Dan actually gets arrested or whatever, because then Dan would have all of his podcast guests dox. He wasn't even a fan of the 'cast.

Then he did a 180 and simped for Dan? Fucking lunatic.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
I heard the same thing about Dan Mullen. Further evidence needed but ya know...probably true.
sick guy.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Did he call himself 'The F B Man'? Maybe he died of self-inflicted cringe.

'D Man' - nigger dre, comment?

Dan that's a reference to nigger dre calling himself 'the D Man' like the niggiferous faggot he is. Cringe poisoning ovah here.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
FurNigger seething. The Alliance always wins in the end. You love to see it happen. *nWo music starts playing*.
You know, you’d think they’d learn. I had called you guys gay from the very beginning. I’m still here. Apparently not sperging about a silly fictional alliance over 90’s broads, is incredibly difficult. Now I’m saluting the Alliance as they continue their march.😎😎😎


You know, you’d think they’d learn. I had called you guys gay from the very beginning. I’m still here. Apparently not sperging about a silly fictional alliance over 90’s broads, is incredibly difficult. Now I’m saluting the Alliance as they continue their march.😎😎😎

So so so, Joe. You’re saying you shouldn’t take a bunch of goofballs who fuck around and post pictures of Christina Ricci and Lucy Lawless too seriously? Anyone can do it! 😎