Fuck it...



I don't care if it's giving me psychosis.... when I'm not doing some kind of stimulant then my life is just completely shit. I am depressed and down and faggy. But when the opster does some coke, I feel confident and powerful and have a zest for life. So I'll probably never stop.
Dude, Gabapentin or even better, Lyrica, will give you the greatest high you've ever had! It's like speed, MDMA, and a few other highs rolled into one! I cannot over hype how amazing it is, literally like heaven on Earth!

Message me if you ever decide to try it, anyone, and let an expert guide you to Paradise...


Dude, Gabapentin or even better, Lyrica, will give you the greatest high you've ever had! It's like speed, MDMA, and a few other highs rolled into one, it's like heaven on Earth. I cannot over hype how amazing it is, literally like heaven on Earth!

Message me if you ever decide to try it, anyone, and let an expert guide you to Paradise...
This is a fucking joke? Right?


No, it's not, I know it sounds gay, i'm starting to peek now so I'm in a good mood... but no, it's the greatest experience you'll ever have!!! ... unless you have some allergies, i'd look up what's in it first...
Dude, I've been on Gabapentin for years. It does NOTHING, makes you tired at best...
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Dude, I've been on Gabapentin for years. It does NOTHING, but make you tired at best...
You have to take it in large amounts, like 3000mg. Tolerance builds extremely fast, but it also goes down fast. Now, I have heard of regular users not being able to feel the effects at all, but like I said if you've been on it for years, you'll probably just have to take a huge dose. You can also "stagger" the doses, take 300mg, then take another 300, 30 minutes later, and keep doing that until you start feeling it... Oh, and it takes about 2 hours for the effects to peek, but they last for sometimes hours on end...

How much do you take, if you don't mind my asking?


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Have you not gone to meetings?



You have to take it in large amounts, like 3000mg. Tolerance builds extremely fast, but it also goes down fast. Now, I have heard of regular users not being able to feel the effects at all, but like I said if you've been on it for years, you'll probably just have to take a huge dose. You can also "stagger" the doses, take 300mg, then take another 300, 30 minutes later, and keep doing that until you start feeling it... Oh, and it takes about 2 hours for the effects to peek, but they last for sometimes hours on end...

How much do you take, if you don't mind my asking?
150 capsule at around 6 and another one around 1130 before bed. It helps with nerve pain in my back and that's about it.
150 capsule at around 6 and another one around 1130 before bed. It helps with nerve pain in my back and that's about it.
Oh yeah, it's for nerve pain, but they've been testing it for social anxiety and other uses as well...

If you want to try the high, my suggestion would be take about 10 or 15 of those, if you can spare them, and wait 2hours. Some monster, or soda I find helps with absorption into the gut, which as I said before is a good thing because you're not killing your liver... If you smoke weed, i'd also suggest it as it adds tremendously to the high!!!

I know it sounds insane to take that many, but i've been doing it for years now, and no one has ever OD'd on it unless they mixed meth or some other bullshit in...
150 capsule at around 6 and another one around 1130 before bed. It helps with nerve pain in my back and that's about it.
Or, if you want, stagger them, take one every 30 minutes until you start to feel it and get to the high you enjoy... It just takes FOREVER to reach the high, instead of downing them all at once, but you also absorb more than just all at once...

edit - take 2 every 30minutes since they're 150mg, your gut can absorb about 300mg every 30 to 60minutes...