Found on r/petthedamncow


Opie Simp
Capped it, because the faggot mods will probably ban you as soon as they see it:


Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
We got got.
What a humorless fuck cunt of a ballwasher.
You call us lame, but you fucking run off like a kid tattling to teacher that some kids are smoking under the bleachers.
You must have been picked on and beat up a lot as a kid for being a snitch.
You probably asked if there was any homework on Friday, faggot.

Petworth dude

Back from Miami!
The only way the ona forum snitch found that was probably by following me on Reddit. Which explains how the Cumtown ban evasion sub I used to mod got nuked. Either way, I followed him back.