forum posters with significant others who are over a "6"...


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
I almost thought you said significant other over 6'.

3 (2).JPG


I have a face like a shovel
All women have options...ALL of them. From the 1 to the 9. Infact if anything you're safer with a 9+ since other guys are intimidated by her unattainability.
this is true, however for the sake of the title of this thread I had to put in "6" because "1-9" isn't to catchy to use in the byline

EDIT: I probably didn't use "byline" in the correct shit
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Only a BABY BOY worries about someone cheating on them. You can’t control or prevent it and you more than likely won’t find out about it unless she wants to hurt you. Just get your own side and never admit to it.
You can at LEAST deal with it with physical violence.duh.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Call me a fag but i cant bring myself to cheat on the mother of my kids. Knowing it would destroy the kids lives if i get caught is a good deterrent too. But ive been damn close to giving into temptation before. Cant say itll NEVER happen but its highly against my morals.

(Edit: oh yeah, shes probably about a 6/7 to some. Most of you’d probably call her a filthy nigger and not be interested anyways)