Flying Sparks 1-4: Play No games Cover Criticism


Why did you use this shitty artwork as the cover? @The REAL JDA


You obviously had a talented artist you could have paid for a cover, look at this one


I notice you are charging $35 bucks for the sexy cover and $25 dollars for the dogshit cover that looks stupid

Aren't you supposed to be a Christian or some shit?

Why are you being flesh merchant for 10 extra bucks to your christian fans?

Also why not hire the pornographer who drew your variant cover to draw the first cover?

I just started digging here @The REAL JDA and already I don't like what I'm finding

What do you have to say for yourself buster?


Fuck are you talking about? I can't point out it's a shitty artist? There's towsends of people better than me, and this is not one of them.

Sorry, I realized you didn't know how much money they had to pay a good artist

They had 13k+ on a 5k Kickstarter goal

And you are better than this dude, look

I misunderstood your comment, we are still mortal enemies tho


Yes. Good color composition used, but everything looks like cardboard with no "energy" when depicting movement.

It's because he doesn't draw women as much as he draws muscular dudes, and even then he just does real hack fucking poses

the variant cover has so much life and energy, and little background details that bring it all together

you know they got that one first, and just did the variant as an afterthought, almost like they made it purposefully shitty to sell the more expensive cover



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why are we not relentlessly mocking this faggot?


ok, so this dude is twitter addicted like patrick as well, constantly ban evading like Nana


and within the last 11h be posted this


Didn’t Ethan Ralph just plead guilty to posting revenge pornography of his teenage baby mother?

How is that a Great American culture warrior?

I thought you were a christian? and thats what american culture was missing?

how is drunkenly ruining a girls life by posting her most intimate moments online christian?

You are as big a hypocrite as patrick and might be bigger physically too
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