FJS (Foreskin jealousy syndrome) is what happens when a Hebrew takes a babies foreskin, something americans (small a) do on a mass scale. Disgusting.


Anime is for Faggots
Everyones cock here is four to five inches longer than yours and our cocks are very White.



Anime is for Faggots


5foot9 and an attitude
what is the point of this gimmick? I get that pat posting sucks but what the fuck is this alternative
It's not a gimmick, or at least it wasn't to begin with. He's been with us a while. I'm summarising very generally here but basically he got pissed off because no one wanted to tawk about da show on the last forum and went on a crusade against Patposting. He's been with us since reddit. Tbh he's not the only one that feels the Pat shit went too far but he is the only one who can't just live and let live. Unless at some point this went Dread Pirate Roberts and he's someone else trolling, it's i-love-whores-69 from reddit for the linger longerers.

And his da runs a nanny group on reddit
Bad case of FJS on this site. All the bad foreskin jokes and Jew hate. Must be sad being an angry little american with no foreskin.
I know as spokesman for JNF I shouldn't say this, but we'd be better off if your people were exterminated. It's no wonder Indian men so rightfully feel inferior and can only lose their virginity through committing rape


#1 Poster
"n-no seriously, i like it, g-girls prefer it!"
Could you fucking imagine how awful wanking would be?
And how much worse sex would feel without a hood?
The absolute COPE of castrated amerisharts is hard for me to even contemplate... angry little piggies with their pink heads constantly exposed... disgusting