Female cops...

It's actually amazing how effective chain link fences are to keeping women out of places. In high school we used to hop this 4 foot high fence to get onto the track. Since there was a small hill and retaining wall near it some guys would try to jump off the hill and perch on the fence, others would try to step from the hill onto the fence, the tallest would do the Kevin Nash step over the top rope move, I would lean back and fling myself as far as I could over it. Point is it wasn't a barrier and something that was basically a game to us. Then we'd turn around and watch the girls completely struggle to get over it. The image of dozens of girls using all of their strength to climb this insurmountable barrier was something that has never left my mind. Eventually their coach told them they were going to hurt themselves and they were forbidden from entering the track unless they walked to the entrance.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Respect her authority