Fat People Hate Thread


Kill a commie for mommy, awright
A guy I worked with back in the day weighted like 350 and he’s like 5’8”. Well he lost about 100lbs by basically just dieting and doing very minimal exercising. God bless but the dude got all cocky and would say shit like “back when I was fat.” I had to stop him and say dude you have lost a lot of weight but you’re still a fat ass.


A guy I worked with back in the day weighted like 350 and he’s like 5’8”. Well he lost about 100lbs by basically just dieting and doing very minimal exercising. God bless but the dude got all cocky and would say shit like “back when I was fat.” I had to stop him and say dude you have lost a lot of weight but you’re still a fat ass.
I remember watching that show "biggest loser" and getting upset all that top of the line fitness shit wasted on those pigs.


The Backbone of America
A guy I worked with back in the day weighted like 350 and he’s like 5’8”. Well he lost about 100lbs by basically just dieting and doing very minimal exercising. God bless but the dude got all cocky and would say shit like “back when I was fat.” I had to stop him and say dude you have lost a lot of weight but you’re still a fat ass.
I remember reading about some gigantic fat bitch (who I think was in the Guiness Book of World Records or something) losing a significant amount of weight by clapping her hands while she watched TV because that's pretty much all she could do.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
I know a couple obese people who are super aggressive about wearing masks - they make a big deal about the need for everyone to continue to mask up (even though mandates are gone in my neck of the woods) when they themselves can't be bothered to make some behavioral and lifestyle changes to lower their level of risk from COVID.
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I know a couple obese people who are super aggressive about wearing masks - they make a big deal about the need for everyone to continue to mask up (even though mandates are gone in my neck of the woods) when they themselves can be bothered to make some behavioral and lifestyle changes to lower their level of risk from COVID.
Reminds me of a fatso I saw wearing a mask as she browsed the cookie section of the supermarket. I pointed her out to my husband and we had a good laugh.


Access to the Debates
I used to be a bouncer and worked with a enormous fat guy named Tyler, and everyone called him Tiny. Really original nickname for a big fat guy. He was goddamn gross. Probably 400 pounds or so, maybe 5’10 tops. He used to sew two t shirts together to make one that fits him. He would always be ordering food and just pounding apps all night. He’d also demand to “work the door” so he didn’t have to move. He’d just point at issues in the bar and say “hey so and so, go deal with that!”

I was new and he was friends with the owner so I was like ok I’ll listen to this fat fuck. But after a couple weeks I started demanding he go do shit or make him be my second when we had to toss someone. He got so bothered that he started working days more because I worked nights. And on days there is very rarely an issue so he just sits at the door and makes sure people didn’t leave with drinks.

He also had a giant mass forming in his belly that was causing him pain but he couldn’t get surgery because he was too fat and they said it’d be dangerous. To even get lipo or a lap band he’d have to lose about 70 pounds on his own before he can get the surgery. Needless to say he’s still a fat fuck with a big fat mass in his belly.
What about someone who's 6'1 and carries their fatness well?