Faggot Band


Access to the Debates
I bet multiple people were willing to fight him outside (just for shits) and he pretended he never said that or pretended they weren’t there. Very Fat-like behaviour. The fucking guy is in his 50s lol.

Can’t imagine this one hit wonder nobody gives a shit about me or my family either, so kind of a weird thing to get yourself knocked out over.

Segment an Orange

I'm up to four segments!
Ya, dummy. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi really care about you and your family.
So kiss me! I'm shitfaced!
Biden's pants are soaked, soiled, and brown!
Nancy Pelosi eats ice cream!
Out of a freezer that costs more than my car!

Original song for reference, not that I recommend listening to these faggots' music of course.

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"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
They had a song called "Pipebomb on Lansdowne Street" that was about blowing up gay/techno clubs. I've seen the Murphys 3 times, they have 4 good songs, and they're only good when you're fahkin' bombed, khedd. If you aren't intimately familiar with their other songs then you will not enjoy them live because they all come out as a garbled mess. There's no discerning when one has started or another has ended unless that midget faggot starts pontificating between accordion solos. It's literally just noise. You may make out a bagpipe or two in the mess.

It makes me happy to watch these clueless boomer retards alienate half of their fanbase and set the other half on a self-destruct timer for cancellation later in life. They repurpose old Irish drinking songs and make a living off of that. They have (had) an army of alcoholic retard cokehead union guys from Boston that would buy their shit music decades after The Departed came out. And that somehow wasn't enough. I'd bet that at least 60% of the Murphys fanbase, the ones who actually pay to see them and buy their shit, is MAGA, perhaps more den dat. And I think all of them are in the fuckin' program at this point, so they oughta knock it off with the hard drinkin' pipe fitter horseshit.