Everything, Everywhere, All At Once(2022) - My Review


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It sucked.

Do not believe the hype. It's a sloppy mess. It has the same structure as The Matrix, but Michelle Yeoh acts like Shortround for most of it and needs everything explained to her over and over. The plot makes no sense. Each actor is playing a different parallel universe version of their character, but it's not clear from the acting which is which, and they change constantly. The "villain" is just some fat asian lesbian dressed like a drag queen. The "humor" is reddit-tier. Don't watch.

Movies still suck. Check back next year.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
2022 has been a pretty bad year for movies.

The only one I’ve really liked so far is Ti Wests horror movie “X.” Even Top Gun was pretty boring to me.

Shame about the one you mentioned. I was about to check it out
Check it out, but if you're bored by 30 minutes it won't get better.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
2022 has been a pretty bad year for movies.

The only one I’ve really liked so far is Ti Wests horror movie “X.” Even Top Gun was pretty boring to me.

Shame about the one you mentioned. I was about to check it out
I thought X sucked ass too. Ti West has the same issue as Tarantino where he doesn't understand the difference between paying tribute and just ripping something off.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Literally every other film being advertised now is some gook film. I do not watch a single one yet Netflix acts like I'm Korean with their recommendations. (((Hollywood))) tried the same thing with Bollywood and shoving dot heads into every movie. Slumdog Millionaire was supposed to revolutionize movies and open the door to street shitter themed movies. It went nowhere.

In a few years the cycle will continue with like abbo or redskin movies until people are overwhelmed. We are hitting nigger fatigue and tranny fatigue currently. Maybe they will go crazy and do like furry acceptance and bestiality next.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Literally every other film being advertised now is some gook film. I do not watch a single one yet Netflix acts like I'm Korean with their recommendations. (((Hollywood))) tried the same thing with Bollywood and shoving dot heads into every movie. Slumdog Millionaire was supposed to revolutionize movies and open the door to street shitter themed movies. It went nowhere.

In a few years the cycle will continue with like abbo or redskin movies until people are overwhelmed. We are hitting nigger fatigue and tranny fatigue currently. Maybe they will go crazy and do like furry acceptance and bestiality next.
The whole film buff/reddit crowd will suck any movies dick as long as it's Asian. They think anything that's not in English automatically makes it great.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
You want to make a good movie, you cast Jenna as one of the leads. Filmmaking 101.


as an added detriment, all the actors are asian.
That's a no from me dog- although, I remember watching Better Luck Tomorrow and thinking it wasn't bad. But yeah, I don't give a fuck about Asian actors/movies that don't involve martial arts or yakuza or some shit like that.


X wasn't bad. Redneck George Harrison getting cucked by Jenna Ortega and a pickaninny was a good bit.


Literally every other film being advertised now is some gook film. I do not watch a single one yet Netflix acts like I'm Korean with their recommendations. (((Hollywood))) tried the same thing with Bollywood and shoving dot heads into every movie. Slumdog Millionaire was supposed to revolutionize movies and open the door to street shitter themed movies. It went nowhere.

In a few years the cycle will continue with like abbo or redskin movies until people are overwhelmed. We are hitting nigger fatigue and tranny fatigue currently. Maybe they will go crazy and do like furry acceptance and bestiality next.
Honestly this is a shame, because I've started watching indian movies since they aren't fagged or niggered out yet. They legit have stuff that is on the same tier as 300, but because it's street-shitters, it's hilarious. But they really still put 150% into their movies. See: Bahubali


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Honestly this is a shame, because I've started watching indian movies since they aren't fagged or niggered out yet. They legit have stuff that is on the same tier as 300, but because it's street-shitters, it's hilarious. But they really still put 150% into their movies. See: Bahubali
I watched RRR the other night. It was way too fucking long and I didn't care for the gay musical numbers, but the over the top action was hilarious