Everyone is a cyberstalker


Unless he has some way to detect that a number is VoIP, there's no way for him to know that this is not a legitimate text. Even if he knows it's VoIP, businesses use that.

I guess he's at the point where he is not taking any chances and allowing himself to be made to look foolish. Instead he's risking sending these messages to confused victims of harassment themselves.


There is one way he could about being made to look foolish without insulting normal people, which is to not respond at all.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I think about this a lot. We've literally warped Patrick's very reality. Every individual he encounters now must be vetted this way before he can engage with them. He's like one of those conspiracy quacks who thinks his mailman is poisoning his water.

The only way he will ever achieve any satisfaction at this point is if the FBI just decides to arrest three people chosen at random and makes them each write him an apology letter.
The entire population is guilty. Welcome to stlaker World.
No child, you haven't
No child, they are not
No child, I am not
Yes child, I will
Yes child, they are


Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Unless he has some way to detect that a number is VoIP, there's no way for him to know that this is not a legitimate text. Even if he knows it's VoIP, businesses use that.

I guess he's at the point where he is not taking any chances and allowing himself to be made to look foolish. Instead he's risking sending these messages to confused victims of harassment themselves.

View attachment 88121

There is one way he could about being made to look foolish without insulting normal people, which is to not respond at all.
My favorite thing about this is now that you've revealed it's a stlaker here, when he actually gets texts from real people he's going to copy paste them