Ever notice that nigger fuckers have that "look" to them



I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.

i just wanna say, as the official forum's jesus

i forgive you for this


i just wanna say, as the official forum's jesus

i forgive you for this
Lol hey for real though man when you're in the joint it's kill or be killed you know what I mean? That dude wanted to have a chimp out on me and when he was punching me I felt myself getting knocked out. That's a bad position to be in when everything around you is concrete. I wish we could have solved some other way but you know how racial things get when you're locked up. He wanted to make it about race so I showed him it was about race.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Lol hey for real though man when you're in the joint it's kill or be killed you know what I mean? That dude wanted to have a chimp out on me and when he was punching me I felt myself getting knocked out. That's a bad position to be in when everything around you is concrete. I wish we could have solved some other way but you know how racial things get when you're locked up. He wanted to make it about race so I showed him it was about race.

just trust in me my child

and you will live in a most dope heaven mansion

my father is dope
Yeah I know exactly what you mean.



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.
Reading things like this make me legitimately sad that I have never been in a real fight. For whatever reason, I have always been able to just get along with just about everyone, and even in high school, I never had anyone come at me.

I feel like I missed out on a primal, important part of growing up.


The Backbone of America
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.
Hitting someone with rebar is some nasty shit lol. If you even lightly bump into the ends of it, you're bleeding. I can't imagine full on hitting someone with a piece and it not caving a valley into their head like a cartoon.

For anyone who's never worked with rebar, I can't stress enough how easy it is to cut yourself on it. It's heavy and has all kinds of edges. Fucking brutal weapon.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I really do hate niggers. I once beat a nigger in the back of the skull with a piece of rebar in a fight. There's no way I couldn't have done brain damage to him, and I will always be proud of that. The hate that I had in my heart that made me swing that piece of steel down into his skull still makes my cock hard to this day.
>Give a Nigger brain damage
>brain damage

There's this cashier at the grocery store I go to that has the look but pretty sure she's racist af. It's funny since she's always really nice to me but I've seen her just stare daggers at black customers down the aisle like they were going to steal. I guarantee she can't wait to get home and like "you wouldn't believe what this fucking nigger did at work today.."
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