Elvis was awesome



You fucking faggots STILL have no idea why mommy's pussy was wet. This man TCB and took whatever the fuck he wanted to.
He was inbred. Grandparents were cousins. Caused him health issues that pre dated his fame and drug use. Suspect that sorted of fucked upness is still causing issues and part of the reason his grandson killed himself

Shame he got caught up in a shitty system with the army and movies crap. He was trapped in it while music moved on.
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My granny loved elvis and I kept a couple of her elvis plates after she past. Missed this in the theater but it will be on HBO max in a week so I will watch!



Formerly know as Fat Abbot
It was better than I expected, but I still can't stand Baz Luhrmanns directing style. That one scene of him walking down the street and then out of nowhere rap music starts playing was fucking awful. I will say that after the first hour and Baz chilled the fuck out with his bombastic style it was a lot better of a movie. All the stuff with the comeback special and Vegas was great. Should've not used Parker as a framing divice and unreliable narrator though. Bad choices.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Didn't he emancipate and marry a 14-year-old or something?
Nah he met Priscilla the broad he would marry when she became of age, at 14. Obviously a big red flag but he wasn’t a chomo like R.Kelly, Bowie, and Ted Nugent.

All his other girls I’m almost sure were legal but in their early 20’s.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Nah he met Priscilla the broad he would marry when she became of age, at 14. Obviously a big red flag but he wasn’t a chomo like R.Kelly, Bowie, and Ted Nugent.

All his other girls I’m almost sure were legal but in their early 20’s.

he was more a drake groomer