Electrical light hate thread



I didn't turn the lights on when I came home today. I lit some candles instead. The aesthetic is way cooler. I can't believe far left faggots haven't tried to force everyone to do this, since electricity would be bad for global warming or whatever.

Feels like Chuck's house from Better Call Saul.
I didn't turn the lights on when I came home today. I lit some candles instead. The aesthetic is way cooler. I can't believe far left faggots haven't tried to force everyone to do this, since electricity would be bad for global warming or whatever.

Feels like Chuck's house from Better Call Saul.
I hope it ends the same way it did with Chuck.

Who uses candles as a way to light their house? Do you also churn your own butter?
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Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Candlelight is for memorializing children shot in drive-bys, Christmas, plowing some pig hooer(this includes anniversaries and the like), and getting around at night when the power goes out.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
I went 10 days without electricity after the recent hurricane.

It's not fun after the first night...
we lost power for 10 days after Isabelle back in da day. It was so fucking hot that I was sitting in my drawers reading stephen king novels like a teenage faggot

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^


You need to change 100% of everything about your life, I’m sure if it. Sell everything you own and move to Japan or something like that. Go work on an oil rig, pick grapes in Argentina, work at one of those hiking places for tourists in the mountains of south New Zealand. Blow it the fuck up and do something that puts you in constant contact with other people.