Easy way to troll Monetized Livestreamers



This only works if they're being interactive with the chat. Just type:

"How do I donate?" and watch them link you their streamlabs or Paypal or show you where the thing for superchats is...That alone makes me laugh sometimes.

After they're done their whole performaTive demo and wiki-how...you wait and like 10 minutes later type:

"It's not going thru, I sent a superchat"

etc...just keep it going until they figure you're wasting their time.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
This only works if they're being interactive with the chat. Just type:

"How do I donate?" and watch them link you their streamlabs or Paypal or show you where the thing for superchats is...That alone makes me laugh sometimes.

After they're done their whole performaTive demo and wiki-how...you wait and like 10 minutes later type:

"It's not going thru, I sent a superchat"

etc...just keep it going until they figure you're wasting their time.

I'm already thinking of "..The great Stuttering John Podcast."

I'm behind on his bashings.
On 4chan you see streamer grief threads from time to time. The most hilarious ones are when people are streaming in public and someone donates and they type something that is read out loud systematically. Usually dropping hate words for who ever is around or something about a bomb ect.

Saw a clip once of a streamer on a bus and his phone wouldn't stop talking shit to the tranny sitting across the bus from the streamer. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


On 4chan you see streamer grief threads from time to time. The most hilarious ones are when people are streaming in public and someone donates and they type something that is read out loud systematically. Usually dropping hate words for who ever is around or something about a bomb ect.

Saw a clip once of a streamer on a bus and his phone wouldn't stop talking shit to the tranny sitting across the bus from the streamer. Funniest shit I've ever seen.
One of the most legendary IRL moments was from a guy who went by "Arab Andy" from the ip2 community. Dude walked into a college classroom randomly and a fake bomb threat dono played and everyone fled while he calmly stood there filming them, then he gets arrested later in the stream, 45 seconds in for the lead up to the dono:

here's another moment he gets the Keemstar NIGGER audio donated while on a bus [MEDIA=youtube]9JGHRqMBL8Y[/MEDIA]


Give Me Some Money
Whatever happened to that Ice Poseidon guy? Only livestreamer I actively watched clips of, he was pretty funny. I think it was fairly early on as no one he interacted with seemed to have any idea what livestreaming was.


looking for a vehicle
One of the most legendary IRL moments was from a guy who went by "Arab Andy" from the ip2 community. Dude walked into a college classroom randomly and a fake bomb threat dono played and everyone fled while he calmly stood there filming them, then he gets arrested later in the stream, 45 seconds in for the lead up to the dono:

here's another moment he gets the Keemstar NIGGER audio donated while on a bus

My favorite although it's not exactly the same category: there exists this really racist version of the Ducktales theme song, and this one streamer who I guess is semi-famous (I have no idea who these people are because I have a job and don't like men's sphincters) had his gf manning the stream while he was in the background painting the room.

Someone takes advantage of this and sends a donation saying "Hey Emily, click this!" She does and the first few notes of the Ducktales theme start playing and the guy drops his paint roller and dives over to the computer screaming "NOOO!" like she was about to get shot.

The best part was out of curiosity I freeze framed the video and typed in the YouTube link and it went to the original Ducktales theme - there was nothing offensive about it whatsoever.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
My favorite although it's not exactly the same category: there exists this really racist version of the Ducktales theme song, and this one streamer who I guess is semi-famous (I have no idea who these people are because I have a job and don't like men's sphincters) had his gf manning the stream while he was in the background painting the room.

Someone takes advantage of this and sends a donation saying "Hey Emily, click this!" She does and the first few notes of the Ducktales theme start playing and the guy drops his paint roller and dives over to the computer screaming "NOOO!" like she was about to get shot.

The best part was out of curiosity I freeze framed the video and typed in the YouTube link and it went to the original Ducktales theme - there was nothing offensive about it whatsoever.

wwaw redbar?


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Whatever happened to that Ice Poseidon guy? Only livestreamer I actively watched clips of, he was pretty funny. I think it was fairly early on as no one he interacted with seemed to have any idea what livestreaming was.
He made a crypto coin and scammed his last 100 fans out of their money. Last i heard he he was planning a comeback but everyone told em to fucK off