Dude hit the fawkin jackpot






This is in my top 5 greatest fears. When I think about doing something bad I legitimately think about this being my karmic punishment. I fear I may have done too much wrong and it honestly scares me. What's the point of being rich if you can't stop your daughter from fucking niggers?
Does anyone know of this happening to guys who were actually good fathers? The cases I've seen IRL have been fat workaholic boomers that spent more time on the golf course than with their kids. Doesn't help that they let public schools and cable TV raise them.
Does anyone know of this happening to guys who were actually good fathers? The cases I've seen IRL have been fat workaholic boomers that spent more time on the golf course than with their kids. Doesn't help that they let public schools and cable TV raise them.
I know a couple girls from good families who fuck niggers. Smart pretty girls too. For two reasons that I've deduced.

1. The nigger is seen as an animal so they're turned on by their natural ability to make women feel like cavewomen being captured and used as holes for breeding.

2. Niggers are fashionable to fuck now thanks to kikes and are used in the same way a certain style of shirt or jeans would be. But they're unknowingly deeply lowering their stock for when they want to settle down with a decent human being.