Drew Boogie fucking sucked


the $83,736.99 fugitive
Those Anthony remixes still get stuck in my head.

Obama gonna take Ants money…and give it all up to me


My favorite remix they ever played on the show though wasn’t even theirs it was the Kramer Remix.

“I’m not a racist, thats whats so insane about this! (Nigger! NIGGER!)”

the (...you fat fuck....) gets me every time in bowling for behave
Boogie was great.
There was a time where Boomer O&A thought what Drew Boogie was doing was more technical and nuanced and when they asked him how he did all of this he explained just pressing a few buttons. These old fucks thought he was spinning records like it was 1985. O&A clearly thought he was more involved in the process than he was and made an error but were too far in to cut him loose since he was doing this for free.


Still spreading the O&A virus
There was a time where Boomer O&A thought what Drew Boogie was doing was more technical and nuanced and when they asked him how he did all of this he explained just pressing a few buttons. These old fucks thought he was spinning records like it was 1985. O&A clearly thought he was more involved in the process than he was and made an error but were too far in to cut him loose since he was doing this for free.
Except he actually was spinning records. Because he brought his laptop and vinyl setup into the studio. He had those timecoded records that connect to software. And he did a bunch of his songs live as well.

Sue Lightning

holy shit yeah.... and this is 10 years and 3 heart attacks ago.... fuck

This is supposedly a "professional singer" and it looks like his neck is about to explode from straining into the mic.

Nice diaphragmatic support , stupid.

He’s really trying to show off too. What a faggot. No one cares that you’re some jack of all trades, stupid. Next he’ll be DANCING LIKE FRED ASTAIRE HAHA HOLEE SHIT