Down goes garage door. On go the headphones...


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Hey gang, remember this?!?! Me and PatBattle are gonna have a couple fawkin grapefruit beers and pregame to this. We just need to find father Doris.

This is even worse than I remember it. The lyrics remind me of the bit where the boys predicted the rhymes on the 911 songs. It's so bland and generic and the dad shit makes it so embarrassing. He wants to be a rock star so bad. At least now he's grifting for boomers and doing crowder adjacent pseudo comedy which I'm sure is creatively fulfilling.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Holy shit is that Dan the song parody man???! Pay artie back his money you faggot!



❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Does anyone have the video of that boomer walking around nyc in the rain blasting “Santa claus ain’t comin to town” on a Bluetooth speaker?
It was after a New Jersey Devil’s game if I remember correctly. And I like Jim but who the fuck is the demographic for this horseshit? Even the corniest fathers I know would probably rather just listen to the local rock station while trying to ignore their wife screaming from the house.
It was after a New Jersey Devil’s game if I remember correctly. And I like Jim but who the fuck is the demographic for this horseshit? Even the corniest fathers I know would probably rather just listen to the local rock station while trying to ignore their wife screaming from the house.
He claims to love the music, but he obviously doesn't understand it at all. Doing "metal" songs about hiding from your wife and screening your daughter's dates is like doing rap songs about being a good citizen and saving money. It might have had some mild comedic potential if the music was really intense and dark, but it's just unbearably generic butt metal circa 1982. No one could possibly like or enjoy it.
Didn’t dummy have like 10k worth of motorcycles locked in his storage unit because he was behind on the rent? Plus him squirming when they suggested he quit smoking and give Artie that money was funny.
Didn’t dummy have like 10k worth of motorcycles locked in his storage unit because he was behind on the rent? Plus him squirming when they suggested he quit smoking and give Artie that money was funny.
He was such a mooch...I remember Richard said Dan made him meatloaf which had strands of his greasy ponytail in it


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
I don't understand why he's wearing headphones if nobody is home. Turn on the stereo.

This faggot probably killed himself in the last 8 years.


8 years ago
that ozzy scene had me cracking up 😂😂😂
The reply gives me hope for this world


8 years ago
Jesus Christ, dude....


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Artie had some suite that he let all of them use or either hang out with him in and Dan was stealing towels or something equally as ridiculous.
Towels, pillows, ash trays, he even tried to walk off with a bottle of booze that either Sal or Robin were given at an event then played it off like it was a "joke."

I wonder if that windfall ever came...


Which way?! Medium or well done?
He claims to love the music, but he obviously doesn't understand it at all. Doing "metal" songs about hiding from your wife and screening your daughter's dates is like doing rap songs about being a good citizen and saving money. It might have had some mild comedic potential if the music was really intense and dark, but it's just unbearably generic butt metal circa 1982. No one could possibly like or enjoy it.
Look at the comments on that YouTube vidya, brotherman. Just because we don't like it doesn't mean there isn't a market for it

Also, I don't like this dueling threads bullshit. Complaining about Breuer should be contained to one thread and the other one appears to be more robust
Look at the comments on that YouTube vidya, brotherman. Just because we don't like it doesn't mean there isn't a market for it

Also, I don't like this dueling threads bullshit. Complaining about Breuer should be contained to one thread and the other one appears to be more robust
I can't argue with that. It could be argued that ANY Breuer thread is one Breuer thread too many.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Something as corny as this could only work back when the genre was relevant, so in the case of metal that would have been possibly 40 years ago.

No true fans of metal would listen to this, let alone laugh at it. They wouldn't need to do it behind their wives' backs either since they most likely would listen to it too.