Donate to Bam


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Owen A Farms,

We are a community. And a community watches out for its people. And when one of those people is in need, the community gets together and pitches in.

It recently came to my attention that Daniel Mullen, aka Somerville Dan, aka ChicopeeChip, was paying @captain_kamala for her podcasting services. Being the fine gentleman he was, he didn't pay her in cash or food stamps, but in Amazon gift cards.

With NPS gone, Bam has lost her primary source of income, and now, more than ever, she and her kids need us.

As most of you know, I am against government welfare. My hard-earned money is forcibly taken from me by men with guns and given to people who don't want to work against my will. I have no say in how my money is spent or to whom it goes. Imagine no taxes were ever taken by the government! It would leave you with more money to spend on the causes that are important. And you would get to choose fully where that money goes!

But I digress. This thread is about Bam. And I still believe she needs us.

We are less than a month from Prime Day, Gentlemen, and Bam needs gift cards badly. She's a good person who absolutely deserves all the Bezos bucks she gets. If you heart isn't warmed by her belly button's impression of Niki Tomlinson, then you are just a cold-hearted shyster, I say.

So this Prime Day, keep Captain Kamala in your thoughts and prayers, and open your wallet just a little.

She would do the same for you, and don't you ever forget that.

I decree this in Nagel's Name.
