Does Pat respond to your emails?

CuntFucker .

[email protected] has an empty inbox


I'm too lazy to send those over the phone.


He gets all pissy about anyone texting him even if they seem to be on his side, telling them "then you should know that this is my private phone number, you should use my public email address to contact me". It is bizarre that he feels compelled to respond to every text but not to emails and that he considers one mode of communication private and sacred.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
He gets all pissy about anyone texting him even if they seem to be on his side, telling them "then you should know that this is my private phone number, you should use my public email address to contact me". It is bizarre that he feels compelled to respond to every text but not to emails and that he considers one mode of communication private and sacred.
His phone number is a Pat 911, has to be kept open at all times Spielberg or Lucas maybe trying to get back to him reading his resume


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Tropic Thunder rules. Tom Cruise does nothing but big-paycheck action movies and dramas since what, Risky Business? He does one comedic character ripping on the elitist Hollywood Jews who mocked and belittled his faith in Scientology, and it's the funniest thing ever. Then he goes back to trying to kill himself on a Mission Impossible set, just to let the rest of us know yeah fuckos, I could be doing comedies if I wanted.

CuntFucker .

Tropic Thunder rules. Tom Cruise does nothing but big-paycheck action movies and dramas since what, Risky Business? He does one comedic character ripping on the elitist Hollywood Jews who mocked and belittled his faith in Scientology, and it's the funniest thing ever. Then he goes back to trying to kill himself on a Mission Impossible set, just to let the rest of us know yeah fuckos, I could be doing comedies if I wanted.
The movie has many hilarious moments. But it is way too long. And it's shit outside of these hilarious moments. 30 minutes are great, 90 minutes are shit.


The movie has many hilarious moments. But it is way too long. And it's shit outside of these hilarious moments. 30 minutes are great, 90 minutes are shit.
5 minutes of rib busting immediately followed by 15 minutes of stiller agonizingly trying to portray a downie