Does anyone actually believe this propaganda?



Why is this proxy war between two utterly shit militaries taking so fucking long?
I'd suspect it's to prolong the manufactured "supply chain crisis" that started with the COVID restrictions. Once this gets too stale, our benevolent leaders will start up with the climate lockdowns as a reason to jack up prices and limit people's ability to do anything. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I'd suspect it's to prolong the manufactured "supply chain crisis" that started with the COVID restrictions. Once this gets too stale, our benevolent leaders will start up with the climate lockdowns as a reason to jack up prices and limit people's ability to do anything. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Oil prices reached a negative value for the first time ever during lockdowns. Now this stupid conflict isn't working as planned because they can't control inflation.

OPEC agrees to cut production after oil price slump


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
New one just dropped. Might as well be paint balloons.

Pretty hard not to believe the (((propaganda))) when "the #2 military in the world" has been stuck in mud since February. Nobody is saying redditors aren't lying about the heccin Ghost of Kyev, but anyone acting like the Russians haven't been eating spoonfuls of shit this entire war is delusional. This shit shouldn't even be close, much less debatable on whether or not the Ukies are actually winning.