Do you think Nikki and Jim have a financial arrangement?


I am not a sea cow, staIker
Obviously he gives Thor money and credit cards etc. but do you think they have a proper arrangement like Joe and Ant did with the "residuals"? Like he pays her a certain amount of guaranteed money each month? Nikki had to be making a decent amount of money from cam whoring and there's no way he'd agree to give that up and go and live with Jim unless he was guaranteed to be getting at least as much.

Jim is literally long term leasing a male prostitute.
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Obviously he gives Thor money and credit cards etc. but do you think they have a proper arrangement like Joe and Ant did with the "residuals"? Like he pays her a certain amount of guaranteed money each month? Nikki had to be making a decent amount of money from cam whoring and there's no he'd agree to give that up and go and live with Jim unless he was guaranteed to be getting at least as much.

Jim is literally long term leasing a male prostitute.
Nikki gets half air all the worms stuff
I think Nikki's in the will & she's waiting for him to die so she can get an NY apartment. Jim's been spending most of his money on whooooores for most of his career & has no dependants - so it probably means nothing to him.
It's not like he's been supporting his family with his new-found success so I doubt they expect anything, & they are officially married, right?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Obviously he gives Thor money and credit cards etc. but do you think they have a proper arrangement like Joe and Ant did with the "residuals"? Like he pays her a certain amount of guaranteed money each month? Nikki had to be making a decent amount of money from cam whoring and there's no way he'd agree to give that up and go and live with Jim unless he was guaranteed to be getting at least as much.

Jim is literally long term leasing a male prostitute.
No, he's bleeding him dry, you see they both have a mental illness