Do you mortgage or rent?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Is one more of a scam than the other?


"pass on to your children"
"indentured servitude"

Twitter mos are interpreting ^ as a parent damning someone to an obligation, which is whats going to happen right?


Also question:

hope you enjoyed your dose of twitter


i prefer renting because if something breaks the landlord has to fix it. My chick wanted to buy a house and she has way more money than me so we bought one a couple years back. expensive as fawk when something breaks and she always wants to upgrade shit like getting the on-demand water heater instead of the tank water heater.
Mortgage. Putting equity away is worth it. I had to replace my HVAC a few years back and have annoying HOA fees. But all together it’s much better than throwing ~$1500 per month away in rent