Do you just ignore people with handicaps / illnesses now? I do.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
So i've been diagnosed with PTSD / depression / and anxiety from the Jew wars and almost being raped by black men in my life. I've only gone out of my way to tell one person about my "problems", and even that back fired because they think I'm a NAZI because I said I wasn't scared of COVId. And while I still have these issues to this day, after I quit drinking and over eating, like magic, the affects of them diminished tenfold.


So I had to deal with a "customer" at work last week. Fucking fat as fuck she was. Like super fat. She also had a walker. But she could still move and she drove?

the whole fucking time she keeps sighing fucking loud. Sighing in "pain". I think she wanted me to feel sorry for her, and I didn't. I also think she wanted me to do her "work" for her, and I didn't. I'm not going to say what I do, but the customer has to do their own shit in that regard. This last for like 6 minutes, I timed it, with the fucking sighing and labored breathing. I didn't ask her if she needed help or even pretend to notice her "problem".

Than you go to target, and you see all these fat fucks and trans members looking like they are dead or at least dying.

WTF happened to this nation.


#1 Poster
I started today



Scan the shit in her cart and hand her the receipt you replaceable, tone deaf, bitter, autistic fuck.

Your low-skill job will be replaced by robots not just out of simplicity -- but also because you have as much personality as a robot, and with a fraction of the accuracy.

You really showed that sickly old woman who's boss. "Ugh I'm literally so done with you, old karen!!!" How does it feel that when you call out sick, a 14 year old girl can replace you?

I want you to live a long life where you end up having to deal with the side effects of being an old lump of shit, and some entitled young retard just tramples you for the sin of wanting to go shopping.

If you carry old ladies shit out to the parking lot, chances are she will give you some cash. Just make sure the bossman doesn't find out, or you might get in trouble!!! Slave.

The Greaseman

Slingin' lead!
So i've been diagnosed with PTSD / depression / and anxiety from the Jew wars and almost being raped by black men in my life. I've only gone out of my way to tell one person about my "problems", and even that back fired because they think I'm a NAZI because I said I wasn't scared of COVId. And while I still have these issues to this day, after I quit drinking and over eating, like magic, the affects of them diminished tenfold.


So I had to deal with a "customer" at work last week. Fucking fat as fuck she was. Like super fat. She also had a walker. But she could still move and she drove?

the whole fucking time she keeps sighing fucking loud. Sighing in "pain". I think she wanted me to feel sorry for her, and I didn't. I also think she wanted me to do her "work" for her, and I didn't. I'm not going to say what I do, but the customer has to do their own shit in that regard. This last for like 6 minutes, I timed it, with the fucking sighing and labored breathing. I didn't ask her if she needed help or even pretend to notice her "problem".

Than you go to target, and you see all these fat fucks and trans members looking like they are dead or at least dying.

WTF happened to this nation.
Since you're a jig, did you fuck this fat beast?