Do you find this funny? (Zach Galifinakis)

Be honest with your voting. It's how I know what's funny or not. I drift.

  • yes, it's ok

  • no.

  • it fucking sucks

  • it's pretty god damn funny

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Im trying hard to find that rant Patrice did where he was like "you think Zck Galifarnakis wasn't given PERMISSION to roast dude?" in reference to St Mel or Chapelle's downfall or someone else, help a brotherman out.

It really defined my opinion of these actors/entertainers.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Im trying hard to find that rant Patrice did where he was like "you think Zck Galifarnakis wasn't given PERMISSION to roast dude?" in reference to St Mel or Chapelle's downfall or someone else, help a brotherman out.

It really defined my opinion of these actors/entertainers.
It was during the Mel Gibson Tapes episodes. Patrice says that Zach Galifaggot was given permission to blast Mel Gibson in the media and refuse to work with him on The Hangover or whatever.