Do we like the movie Contact or do we hate it


Human garbage
Everytime I see this movie on tv I end up watching it. It's certainly no Starship Repo but I find it entertaining. It's hard to believe the Jodie Foster/Matthew McConaughey character love story because she's a real life lesbian. Other than that I think it holds up 25 years later. What do you think? I'll hang up and listen to your answer. Punching out.


Still spreading the O&A virus
The author of the movie, a kike, was sued for plagiarizing the entire thing. Francis Ford Coppola wrote a film called "First Contact" that was the entire story of this film but never made it into a film. The kike stole it and published it under his own name a decade later. When Coppola sued the courts said "you waited too long to sue" and sided with the kike who stole the story.