Do sports broadcasts even need announcers?



Football, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, they’re all SHIT.
you have some FAGGOT journalist on commentary and a washed up former player giving play by play and they think it’s their own podcast.

Just let us hear the stadium sounds and female grunts so I can relieve myself to Leiolia Jeanjean (france)


…They aren’t people!



Stand Alone Fruit
John Madden was the best announcer ever. He was entertaining, knew what he was taking about, passionate about football, and was funny as hell. Everyone else is complete shit compared to him, they’re all boring and lame. Watch an old game called by him and it shows how shitty every sports broadcaster is.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I like announcers, the f1 guys, Ian Darke are awesome. What I can't stand are those worthless coaches interviews during the game. No one not one person ever asked for this shit and is happy it exists. They always ask dumb questions and the coaches give non answers. Also get reporters out of locker rooms especially broads
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Stand Alone Fruit
Bob Uecker is a treasure and I will not hear an unkind word about him.

Uecker was what a baseball announcer was supposed to sound like, seems like the older guys were just better at it, for example you didn’t even need to be a cubs fan but you knew Harry Carey was their announcer etc. and there’s a couple older guys that still sound good (Merrill Reece of the Eagles) who still users his “radio voice” for broadcast. The current guys are just boring and half the time sound like they know as much as some annoying drunk at a bar.
Uecker was what a baseball announcer was supposed to sound like, seems like the older guys were just better at it, for example you didn’t even need to be a cubs fan but you knew Harry Carey was their announcer etc. and there’s a couple older guys that still sound good (Merrill Reece of the Eagles) who still users his “radio voice” for broadcast. The current guys are just boring and half the time sound like they know as much as some annoying drunk at a bar.
The new Phillies guy that replaced Harry Kalas is actually fairly young and is phenomenal, has an old school voice, dry humor and everything. The new color analysts though are annoying retards that try too hard to be funny all the time.


Stand Alone Fruit
The new Phillies guy that replaced Harry Kalas is actually fairly young and is phenomenal, has an old school voice, dry humor and everything. The new color analysts though are annoying retards that try too hard to be funny all the time.
I kinda like John Kruk on there, he’ll be honest when they suck.