Do NOT drink this stuff

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman

I am having some very frequent and very painful diahrea sharts and I think it's the culprit.

Tastes good though


I miss Norm
I worked in the produce department one summer and these things were part of our inventory. Every month I would have to throw out 6 expired bottles because they cost like $20 and no one ever bought them. Good to know that if I need to shit quickly, this is a delicious option.


I enjoy it. They obviously exaggerated with their ads, but what company doesn't? I mean look at all the interracial couples they advertise, completely exaggerating.
I'm in an interracial relationship and I fucking hate the commercials. About 10 years ago, I started to point it out to my gf and she thought I was fucking crazy. Now, she just laughs at the ridiculous and obvious pandering.


I'm in an interracial relationship and I fucking hate the commercials. About 10 years ago, I started to point it out to my gf and she thought I was fucking crazy. Now, she just laughs at the ridiculous and obvious pandering.
I'm liking this mulatto mongrel "Person" EraGodless more an more!

Most of my friends growing up were mixed and of course they were raised by their white mothers/family, so they hate the race mixing propaganda too as they know first hand how it ends.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I'm in an interracial relationship and I fucking hate the commercials. About 10 years ago, I started to point it out to my gf and she thought I was fucking crazy. Now, she just laughs at the ridiculous and obvious pandering.

I’m a child of inter race relations

I blame it for my poor disposition


Get up here and shut up!
The painful diarrhea is just the antioxidants working to flush the toxins and witches out of your body or some such fiddle-faddle.


Juice is usually no better than drinking sugar water. They basically took the fruit and removed all the fiber and nutritious shit, then added sugar so you will get diabeetus