Do any Brothermen live in California?


I have a face like a shovel
I'm a life longer New Yorker, and I visited Huntington beach, and San Diego when I was a teenager

I knew I wanted to Live in California for at least a year ever since really is an awesome state

I don't believe the news because it's obvious propaganda.....

I was gonna ask somethiung to the affect of "how much of a culture shock will I be in for if I move?".....However I realized that I can grow a sack, and not be a faggot........just move, deal with whatever cooky emisson laws they have, and have sex with women who would easily be 9's in NY


was there for a couple months recently. the cops don't respond to shoplifting so i saw people walk out of stores with carts full of goods and the security guards don't say anything. also homeless are allowed to live on the street so you get a lot of crazy people. they got rid of bail in a lot of cases so I guess there are more criminals on the street but I didn't see it. weed is really cheap if you go to the shops in ghetto, got an ounce for a little over a hundred with tax and 1 gram carts were ~$25. gas is really expensive. seemed pretty normal other then that!


Shock Jock
There’s hardly any cvs’ or Walgreens in SF because anything under 1,000 is a misdemeanor so nogs just walk in and steal soda and chips and nobody stops them.

Beautiful state, shitty people.
There are entire towns/neighborhoods in SoCal that lost their indoor dining privileges because of the homeless.
I got an oil change in El Cajon and thought I could walk somewhere, sit down and eat for an hour to kill time. You cant fuckin eat anywhere in that hellhole, its just a ghost town of homelessness.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I worked with a guy who said it wasn't bad and then said he couldn't leave his house for more than 12hrs or it'd be broken into.

Sounds like fun.

I know a guy that moved there for the same money and ended up with a 40% cost of living decrease.

Good job fag.


It's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the constant tax increases for stupid "bullet" trains and "road work" that never gets done.

But what's worse, the loud ignorant, over-priviledged fucks that make it unbearable to want to leave the house. Everyone is so fucking important and has to tell you about it and how you're wrong and how right they are. They bitch about Jewllywood but can't stop consuming the shit (((they))) produce.