Did you guys have "Frosh week" before you started College?



Or is that just a Canadian thing? It's a week before the 1st semester starts and you're basically introduced to all the activities etc in your campus. They have Orientation day, you get to know your dorm roommates etc.

A big part of Frosh week is ofcourse getting drunk, keg parties etc. a buck a beer...plus all the college bars had discounted 'student rates'

Looking back, I think that was in fact its primary purpose. To introduce massive alcohol consumption to 18 year olds who are away from home for the first time.

I also remember I qualified for and was approved for my first credit card during Frosh week.


Yeah we had something like that back in the 90s before everything went to shit. Dunno about now


May St. Mel bless you
It was called Orientation, though maybe they call it Asian-Americanation now. Freshman can't buy booze in the US and everyone was a dweeb fresh out of high school anyway.


I think mine was just a 3 day weekend thing. You got there on Friday and left Sunday afternoon. It was pretty lame from what little I remember of it.