Did you dread report card week?



There was no hiding from it at my schools. Test and exam results were printed out and pinned up in public for everyone to see. There were report cards in senior school, but there was also "parents' evenings" once a term when your folks sat down with your teachers for feedback, so any fudging of report cards would've been shortsighted and the benefits short-lived. I did fine though mostly, can't remember getting lower than a C in anything.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
I always had a lot of anxiety in elementary and middle school that they wouldn't be as good as I wanted but at some point I gave up and it was still good enough. Only did one year of high school total and shockingly couldn't hack it in college, but making it a year before I quit was probably more than anyone expected so that's a feather in ny cap.


Posting in the bakowza
We would have “D and F” notices sent out in the middle of the semester. Throughout high school I was failing science so I would stake out every weekend waiting for the mailman. Half the time I got lucky, the other half they came on weekdays. I would usually bump my grades up to a C by the time report cards came out.