David Goggins and Jocko Willink kiss each other every night and exchange tips on how to shill media to men who don't feel masculine enough


#1 Poster
David Goggins just released a book titled "Can't hurt me", despite hurting his own knees running to the point of needing surgery.

Jocko is a fake tough guy with gun courage, give a streetshitter a big gun and he will feel like a tough guy. too.

No I don't get up at 4 and run for hours, because I am not retarded.

Above all else, it's cringe. Imagine going to someone's house and they have a book by Goggins or Jocko. How would you feel? (Rhetorical - do not reply)

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
Today we're going to be talking dental protocols. The latest scientific research data on the subject suggests you use a toothbrush and you're going to want to apply a small amount of toothpaste on that brush. You then apply the toothpaste to your own teeth, utilizing a vertical movement for approximately one hundred and twenty seconds.



^^ Discord J's
-Freemasonic genitalia themed name-check
-Small/tiny non bio male frame-check
-Weird proportions/wide hips-check
-Tiny skull...mogged by the average beta (but biological male)-check
-Jocko is a bitch, born female, baphomet tranny:

(No, hyperbolic isnt a gimmick...this is the truth. Joe Rogan is a female too). You have trannies in the military, and they see themselves as "warriors". Gay Mafia is real. The Amazons were real. This realm is fucked up yet amazing once you deep dive:
