



Most of them have sideburns and/or a moustache and all of them have a vague onion scent about them from all the curry. I stuck it in one in college once. The pussy felt good but didn't look great. 4/10
I hooked up with a Sri Lankan girl way back in the day.

I honestly should have married her. She made fun of Indians all the time and would probably get some ribs around here if I had the audacity to tell anyone I know about this place.

I don't know why it makes me laugh so much but one time we sat and watched a compilation of bad special effects in Indian movies and the way she said "sometimes you just need to make fun of Indian people." while looking super Indian herself was one of hardest laughs I ever had from something funny a woman said. She had some of the biggest tits I've ever seen and was about 5 feet tall. Her family thought I was a riot and I really don't know why she and I slipped apart but still kind of remained friends.


I hooked up with a Sri Lankan girl way back in the day.

I honestly should have married her. She made fun of Indians all the time and would probably get some ribs around here if I had the audacity to tell anyone I know about this place.

I don't know why it makes me laugh so much but one time we sat and watched a compilation of bad special effects in Indian movies and the way she said "sometimes you just need to make fun of Indian people." while looking super Indian herself was one of hardest laughs I ever had from something funny a woman said. She had some of the biggest tits I've ever seen and was about 5 feet tall. Her family thought I was a riot and I really don't know why she and I slipped apart but still kind of remained friends.
Nice longing for a better life that could have been, stupid.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
I hooked up with a Sri Lankan girl way back in the day.

I honestly should have married her. She made fun of Indians all the time and would probably get some ribs around here if I had the audacity to tell anyone I know about this place.

I don't know why it makes me laugh so much but one time we sat and watched a compilation of bad special effects in Indian movies and the way she said "sometimes you just need to make fun of Indian people." while looking super Indian herself was one of hardest laughs I ever had from something funny a woman said. She had some of the biggest tits I've ever seen and was about 5 feet tall. Her family thought I was a riot and I really don't know why she and I slipped apart but still kind of remained friends.

nigga go get that big tit midget and leave this place once and for all


nigga go get that big tit midget and leave this place once and for all
No can do bucko. She married and has a kid. I wish her the best.

When she got married I called and congratulated her. I even said he seems like a decent guy. When she said "yeah, but he definitely lacks in a certain department, and you definitely know what I mean." And that meant he has a small dick compared to me and I give her a bunch of credit for just telling me like that.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
No can do bucko. She married and has a kid. I wish her the best.

When she got married I called and congratulated her. I even said he seems like a decent guy. When she said "yeah, but he definitely lacks in a certain department, and you definitely know what I mean." And that meant he has a small dick compared to me and I give her a bunch of credit for just telling me like that.

nigga, go wreck that home

if my mother taught me anything, its that home-wrecking is cool, and has no consequences


No can do bucko. She married and has a kid. I wish her the best.

When she got married I called and congratulated her. I even said he seems like a decent guy. When she said "yeah, but he definitely lacks in a certain department, and you definitely know what I mean." And that meant he has a small dick compared to me and I give her a bunch of credit for just telling me like that.
Lol, what a fucking whore😂
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Lol, what a fucking whore😂
I'd say so, but that's just how she was in general. Everyone thought she was some shy quiet girl because she looks the type. We were friends before hooking up several times and she was always a straight up pervert. Would grab at my cock under the table at restaurants and shit, in front of families. She liked to drink and boy did it get her frisky.