@Cuntfucker is the real King of Crows around here!



I know this will sound gay and off-topic

But, how the fuck can we place humans and animals in the same category. We are definitely something above, something like magic sprinkles added to a monkey...but we cant be the same as animals.

Now off I go to ponder about Water, etc


@aRTie02150 ,I'm going to help you out bird call that motherfucking street shitting rapist!

Lol I bought some crow call that someone here told me to buy and I used it once. They didn't react positively to it. Maybe I was saying something political in crow because they all fly away from me, including Craig.

I was worried that showing up the next time would make them scared of me, but it didn't. It was like nothing happened. Maybe they discussed amongst each other that "he didn't know what he wants saying, let it slide" or something along those lines.


I'm black Irish
Lol I bought some crow call that someone here told me to buy and I used it once. They didn't react positively to it. Maybe I was saying something political in crow because they all fly away from me, including Craig.

I was worried that showing up the next time would make them scared of me, but it didn't. It was like nothing happened. Maybe they discussed amongst each other that "he didn't know what he wants saying, let it slide" or something along those lines.
That is the most wholesome schizo thing I've ever read.