Continuos set - Pass the mic


A circle of N-words
Heres the gist. Tell a joke good or bad. Pass the mic to the brothermanlet of your choice. Said brothermanlet must then keep the set going. I believe we could easily come up with something equivalent to a Joey Matress hour. No matter how bad it stinks we keep pushing through, like Sue Lightning burrowing her unlubricated fist into Anthonys shitpipe.

Here goes, ahem. So I was being shown how to work a Diabeetus blood sugar monitor. Nurse gave me the needle to prick my thumb. It didnt pierce the skin. She left the room and after a few minutes she came back with a HARPOON. A HARPOON folksch……..

Finally shes able to get a sample. She puts a drop of my blood in the machine. Fuckin machine returns a reading of COUNT CHOCULA……… CHOC-YOU-LAA, everybody. Ahaaaaaaaa.💩💩💩💩💩

The Torquis De Lard, your up next👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎤


Incel imposter cyber atalker
I went to Milwaukke, up on Oakland Ave
Pat was home, so I scoped out his pad

He wouldn't leave, so I knocked on his home.
Here comes Pat wearing nothing but a robe

I said where's Niki, I need some ass!
He started to protest so I threw him in the grass.

I walked in the hovel and wouldn't ya know
Niki was waiting like a big fat hoe


OK, i wasn't in the studio, hence my voice sounds like shit, I didn't have the proper board infront of me so I sound like shit. Couldn't do what I wanted to & I'll probably delete through shame:


Edit: my natural voice is much deeper, I just plugged-in a shit mic & messed around
Edit2: that was such a mess of levels... I hope you get the idea... I feel shame & deletion will be soon
Edit 3: I'm so much better at character voice work, my natural voice sticks
Eit4: too embarrassed - deletion iminent
How in the fuck did you manage be the most embarrassing part of this thread?



So I'm taking my wife to the ballgame, right?
We're watching the Brewers, having a great thing you know where making love in the car...I tell ya, they had to clear the parking lot she smelled so bad!

I get no respect, everybody, no respect...the other day the cops put me in cuffs so fast I couldn't get my robe shut, boy i tells ya it was a cold night.....policeman looks at me and describes me as a female!


A circle of N-words
So my Doctor, I just found out hes gay. I went in for a little prick in my arm. Instead he gave me a big prick in the ass. Ohhhhhhh. These faggot doctors are becomin a real problem. For my asshole. Ohhhhhh. I went in for a cold, and came back with the clap. Yowsaaaaaaa!!!!

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
What’s the difference between a prostitute and a drug dealer?

A prostitute can wash her crack and sell it again.

What’s the difference between a hormone and a carrot?

You can’t make a carrot.


A circle of N-words
Comedian Jim Norton woke up with a torn and bleeding asshole. Part of his insides are hanging out. He rolls over to Prince Alan and says “My god, what happened to me?” Princess Alan is waking up and says “I haf the strangess drimm. I drimm my cock is Winchester rifle and i stick up hairless squirrel ass and pull trigger”. Achachachaaaa.
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