

Parody account. Relax, ya twink
God damn it, Ro! He's playing with his doll again! No son of mine is growing up to be a little faggot.


God damn it.


Parody account. Relax, ya twink
It's so hard to believe that Joe was ever that thin. If it weren't for the vacant eyes, you'd swear that this and Present Day Joe are two entirely different people.
He's still fat in that photo. He's always been a lazy no-good one of those people.

But posing in a gay cropped t-shirt while having a belly in his 20s reminds me why Joe can't be toppled as the best moo cow.


For the last time, I am NOT Donal Logue!
God damn it, Ro! He's playing with his doll again! No son of mine is growing up to be a little faggot.


God damn it.

I can proudly state as fact that I never wore anything that fucking embarrassing as a young performer.


Torch me all you want, it's not a "Fuck me" belly shirt at least.