Communities based upon the ideal of sex with children

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.

Where? Where?!?!?! WHERE?!?!?!?!???


Still spreading the O&A virus
- The Second Mile (Sandusky's charity)
- Bacha Bazi (Afghanistan version of NAMBLA)
- every orthodox synagogue pretty much anywhere, jewish circumcisions
- Subway restaurant corporate board during the Jared years had multiple pedophiles
- literally every single juvenile jail center is rife with pedo guards
- Netflix definitely has some pedos on its board with some of their programming
- Pizza Gate, and those pizza restaurant associated with kid trafficking
- Obama ordering hot dogs and pizza
- Wayfair furniture company
- FBI and CIA have #1 and #2 largest collections of Compound Media archives


I watched this Netflix doc on the fundamentalist Mormons on the Utah Arizona border. The child rape is depressing but 10 obedient wives sounds PFG