Comedians of the Compound Las Vegas September 10th and 11th.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
VIP passes are available.

The Plaza is an off strip shithole and the crowd is going to be 50+% comped tickets for people who have no idea who these people are.

Blandau was the biggest headliner of that sad bunch and they don't even have him anymore.

And I *really* want to meat the neckbeard who pays $350 to see the same show 3 times. Or the $200 to listen to a AntH slur through karaoke and have Stupid Geno drunkenly shout in your ear.


Stand Alone Fruit
The Plaza is an off strip shithole and the crowd is going to be 50+% comped tickets for people who have no idea who these people are.

Blandau was the biggest headliner of that sad bunch and they don't even have him anymore.

And I *really* want to meat the neckbeard who pays $350 to see the same show 3 times. Or the $200 to listen to a AntH slur through karaoke and have Stupid Geno drunkenly shout in your ear.
Very true about the Plaza, that place has looked the same for 30 years, it’s a time warp in there.