Colin Quinn on MSSP

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Why are all your G's hot linked?

i feel like you've been in a tread were i explained tis before:



Do you get reminded of Patrice whenever you hear CQ tawk? Making fun of his hairline etc


I listened just for nostalgia.. but if you didn't know these people and just turned it on, it'd be some half baked second-third hand vietnam stories.
the same old they couldnt adjust to civilian life after the war, vietcong were friendlies...etc. like a dan carlin hardcore history for tards

there wasn't much chemistry..
the generation gap I think... sounded like some frat dudes talking to their estranged crotchety uncle. and gillis and his co host are just boring.. constantly doing the no but seriously thing
Tapped out at an hour when gillis said “no but let’s get back to vietnam stuff” after col was ranting

Can't even listen to podcasts , it just feels like "yea, we're here for you guys to listen to us"... so self indulgent... they make money off this? lmao. love ya miss ya col.
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Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
use ctrl+shift+v to paste instead of ctrl+v, it will clear all the formatting and just paste plain text

but then why dont you just plug in a usb keyboard, or change the keyboard on the lappy
my computer only as 2 usb ports, and usually i keep one for my eronomic mouse and te oter for my jerkin off mouse, i've lost several usb mice for ot swabbin like tis