Chrisley knows best

My wife watches this show and just wow. Every male in the family is text book sensitive closet gay guy. Todd Chrisley reminds me of how Anthony turns into a Jersey girl when he gets real drunk. Everyone on the show is a mess and it's sad that this is the type of thing that gets approved by the network. Entertainment has gone to shit. Maybe im just that grumpy old man now saying things like today's music TV and movies suck.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Todd Chrisley is one of the biggest fags to ever appear on tv.
Wrong again, child.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Am I behind on the times is this show like widely known? Ive never seen a more obvious sham marriage

I know of it strictly from the commercials that aired when the show was premiering. They played the ads on every NBC owned cable channel during every commercial break.