Chinese kid puts granny in her last chokehold

A rural granny is diciplining the boy with her crocs (ancient Chinese method!) he's had enough and puts her in a chokehold.

The granny says "Fuck your mother!" which clearly tickles the guy who is filming!

He tells him to let her go, but the kid refuses, so he's like "Ah, whatayagoingdoaboutit?" (I'm pretty sure it's his mother in law.)

He just half-heartedly tells the kid that she's not moving anymore and he should release her. The kid is not really listening.

The mother realises that her boy has strangled her own mother to death and he shouldn't really have done that. She has a bamboo stick handy though.

We (bang!) Do not (bang!) strangle (bang!) relatives (bang!) to death (bang!) in this (bang!) household!

Rink Lee Fa Ni

The granny says "Fuck your mother!" which clearly tickles the guy who is filming!

He tells him to let her go, but the kid refuses, so he's like "Ah, whatayagoingdoaboutit?" (I'm pretty sure it's his mother in law.)

He just half-heartedly tells the kid that she's not moving anymore and he should release her. The kid is not really listening.

Thank you @RobertMewler for providing the translation