Chick Enjoys Banging Great Danes!

They allegedly included at least one video of Joely engaged in 'multiple sex acts' with the couple's Great Dane - the world's biggest dog breed.

The bold made me lol. The Daily Mail's Nic White really needed to drive home that the lovely and talented Joely Keen isn't some poodle-fucking coward. She can take a proper dog-dick.

I mean why else make that comment? Fucking lol.


Dirty Bastard
She still retains more respect than having fucked a darkie or Cumia

How do you even approach your partner about fucking a dog? How broken is your home? Then him agreeing and taking pics is mind boggling! The "don't kink shame me" mantra is insanity.
I think the death of their baby had something to do with it.
Fair question. I would assume it's something that they didn't actually need to discuss directly. I think after a certain number of years in a marriage you kind of know whether or not you've got a dog-fucker on your hands.