Charred Bob Kelly



Nighs Wonger, Stupid
naw, if you read between the lines like me and @Child. do

you remember him saying “he didn’t go thru my people”

meaning spike wanted to cut the jews out of it

patrice didn’t wanna burn his benefactors (still unarmed powerful jews, which i need to look into)

if he did so, he would be at the whim at spike lee

he was trying to say it in the interview, without saying it

“he needed to go thru my people” in this sense, meant something different than “have your people call my people” and spike understood that

Wasn't the issue that Patrice had issues with Showtime over some comedy special beef, and Spike's project was with Showtime? Likely this:

If anything, some Jew at Showtime shortchanged him and keeping that grudge burned the bridge with Spike.