Case solved

I don't know if this has been discussed on here before and I'm too lazy to search but I have a theory that might explain why Pat says in one place he owes Quasi money but then says he doesn't in another. If Pat is always right then they both can't be true or can they. What if Pat is Quasi. We all know Pat loves attention whether good or bad. When the sub got shut down he lost that and like any junkie Twitter just wasn't giving him the same high. So what's a sci-fi author going to do. Create a place where he will be the center of attention but knowing it would never work if we found out he was behind it he used his writing skills to create a character to hide behind. A little help from his wife who is a successful SEO expert bang it's up and rolling. Except the pressure was too much for his medication to handle and he had some sort of stroke which left him like that dude in Split. Pat doesn't know he's Quasi and Quasi doesn't know he's Pat and both of them don't know they are a rubber dog shit salesman from Sommerville named Dan. Add in the fact they're all in the fat body of a Canadian slum lord who pretends he's from Jersey and boom case solved. Patrick = Quasi = Dan = Boomia = ? . See Pat was right along that there is only one stlaker but what he didn't know is that it's him. Also he's fat.
Edit: Fuck me for forgetting that Quasi was from the subreddit. With all the jumping around there at the end things are kind of a blur. The only names I remember off the top of my head are Stinks, Bam and that dude who talked like a pirate and then an Asian guy. Oh and that Rocket guy. Sorry Quasi I meant no disrespect.
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